Santa Monica is easily one of my favorite beach towns near Los Angeles. So when Chris and Veronica wanted to do their session at the beach with the Santa Monica Pier in the background I was ecstatic.

I met Chris last fall when him and his friend Jay were roadtripping to make a documentary for Second Society. A month prior, the owner, Jimmy reached out asking if he could feature me and The Roam in the documentary. We quickly started chatting about their project and realized the route that he had Chris and Jay going was right through my favorite part of the country (the South Oregon Coast). I was also taking essentially the same route up the coast after a wedding I had in Camarillo, CA and joked about how fun it would be to all meet up.

Fast forward a month later, and my best friend Dana and I were heading up the coast to host a shoot. We had made it to the Redwoods in Northern Oregon and I wanted to show Dana my favorite campsite in that area. It’s pretty small and driving the entire loop of it takes less than 2 min. When we were nearing the end, we passed a camper that happened to look familiar. We did a loop back around and decided to ask them if they were Second Society – low and behold – they were!

None of us had ever met (or even talked before) but we all instantly clicked. I told them that they were shooting a wedding with me at the end of the month in Nashville for a documentary and the friendship basically instantly started haha. We spent the next few days following each other up the coast helping them film the documentary and then went on our ways at the end of the trip.

Chris, Jay, Dana, and I all have a group chat going that is truly one of the funniest things ever. So when I booked an engagement session out in Malibu – I mentioned to Chris (and his wife Veronica) that I would be in town and we knew we had to do photos!

We all agreed on a sunrise session at Santa Monica Beach as Chris and Veronica live nearby and man am I happy that we did. We had the most gorgeous serene morning and the most perfect sunrise ever.

Looking to have your story documented?

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x B

A Sunrise Session in Santa Monica, California

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